

Tunes that open your heart
And lyrics that tear it apart
Lust that you once felt
And children that you sometimes held
Both out of your reach now
Escaped somewhere, you don't know how
Love of your life gone away
Taken by death, or just didn't want to stay
Stories about you and others
Just like the ones of your fathers and mothers
Told to us by the bards of our time
Not dressed in black nor in prime
You've listened them for so many years
And because of them, shed an ocean of tears
And when death opens the final door
You still hope to hear even more

The Comic

Born from the artist's profound love of melancholy, this comic is his attempt to test his boundaries while attempting to entertain others. For now, the comic is quite experimental, searching for its own limits.

The Author

The author is a student of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland. He has spent countless hours listening to the Finnish songs, of witch quite a few have had multiple layers of melancholic undertones.

Melankoliasta is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.